
The Invitation

Image credits: After skool


I have a question for you. If there were a dinosaur in your room and there is no way for you to escape. What would you do to survive?
And this question is fundamental for understanding this blogpost, so I really want you to think about it.

Jordan Peterson once said, "Sacrifice. You get to choose your damn sacrifice. You don't get to not make one, you only get to choose one."

Let's start this conversation formally now. This isn't any survival guide nor it is about Jordan Peterson, it's about Life choices, and it's about a choice that I am really excited to talk about in this situation of social disconnection, in this time of fear and uncertainty.

Now at this point you might be like; Okay Suryaansh, you made me think for whole 10 minutes, then you spoke about Jordan, and then you talked about a Life choices, and then you say it has not started as yet, this has been your trend in almost all your posts. I mean get to the point man and don't waste my time!
My Answer would be: Not so fast, not so fast. Learning never happens like a race.

If we were to think about what is something that we humans need the most? Food? Water and oxygen?
Well that's right, we do need them for living, but I did not ask what we need the most to survive. I asked what do we need in Life? Love? Success? Money?
If you do talk about richness then maybe, but in what context are you talking about richness? When you ask 'are you rich' what do you mean? You have a lot of possession, a lot of money in your bank? My answer is, Do possessions make you rich? I don't have that type of riches. My richness is Life, forever.

Image Credit: After Skool

The people  you admire, the sort of polymathiology admirable people developed is different in perspective and that's the very reason why the answers of some of the questions listed above is different for everyone.
There is no one specific discipline that each polymath you know has gone through. Everyone is different but not reality. I could infact take this argument to the level that I explain, that each one of us is a polymath. Only the sacrifices each one make are different either fundamentally or hypothetically.

People come to elite science schools, thinking that they'll do so well in their classes, taking all the notes, completing all the assignments, and really going to be at the top of their game. But if you meet them after a few weeks or months or even years, they are not excited anymore, they're like "Okay Okay, this assignment will be done in some time, I am more interested in playing this video-game right now"
What brings that fatigue? Instead of asking why do we not stay motivated, we should ask why do we stay motivated at the first place.

Sacrifice has a key role here, time will eat you one day. So why to wait? Let's get that dinosaur out of the room, let's make some space with some of the constraints that we have to intelligently navigate in our lives so that we not only feel happiness and fulfilment but also a sense of Ancient Indian passion for learning. And the question that I asked before, 'what do we need in life?' Really comes from learning. And so this is an Invitation for all the asleep souls to revive the Joy for learning, to become a self-taught polymath, revive that Ancient Indian value for learning, revive that childish curiosity, choose your damn sacrifice!

Reference: Choose your damn sacrifice by Jordan Peterson


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