
Death brings the truth to life

I hope you all are doing fine in your lives in this outbreak, an outbreak that shall not be named, shall not be remembered in a way of memory, but as a lesson. The Julian year 2020 has taught so many lessons, that we can write a whole book about it, this post is one of those lessons or I guess observations.

Death brings the truth to life, and the taste of the truth is decided by the doer.

I have been very fortunate that nobody whom I love and care about has died, but I know that the loved ones of people I care about  and the people I know in general have died.

And I feel compassion for them.

This year was full of this feeling of deep silence when someone dies and also some shocks we got after their deaths.
It's sad to know that a lot of secrets of people have been revealed after their death. After death, when someone goes looks after your possessions, they could tell a lot about you, and I am talking about physical possessions. Extramerrital affairs have become very common thing to be discovered after death. When the partner looks through the possessions like love letters to their mistress or something. A lot of people were lying about their finances, they were in a lot of debt all this time. Some people were drug addicted, and noone had any clue about it.
Even possessions like the dustbin or chat-history or the books that they have, their diary can tell a lot about a person.

 And this concept has been stuck with me for a while now; saying, "What do I want the people who will check my possessions after my death feel about me?" causing me to have no secrets what-so-ever.

 P.S. It's not the first time, I have asked questions about Life in General. I am curious to know if you people has had similar thoughts/experiences.(As if anyone actually follows my blog). If this post made you think deep then don't stop it, this may be  I would also recommend reading my poem, A Morning-like Night.


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