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Importance of statements Part 3: Who found Whom

 So...                                                                                                                                                                     Yes, I'm going to do this in every post. Alright so here's Walter Sir's solution to the previous problem : And... I mean I respect Walter Sir butttt I was not appealed with the solution. Solution was correct, and the explanation was good too; but here's a thing, and this is my own opinion, when we teach science to students, the biggest mistake that we make and have been making for years is that we don't teach it. Yeah, I know what you are thinking, "This guys has gone crazy.". Well, let me tell you that you are right. So there was an impressive study done by Veritasium : And by the way, if you didn't guess it already, this blog will be a long one so read with breaks if you want. Problem: Science is different from other subjects and the challenge that it provides is that students alrea

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Part 2: Who Found Whom

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Who found Whom

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